Creative spaces - Urban Profile

  • Melany Garcia by Melany Garcia
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#ESPACIOSCREATIVOS; The architecture studios and workshops, as well as the construction companies that handle the 'design and execution of projects' within their nucleus, are spaces where great ideas are generated, in which a collaborative and creative environment is created that help to energize the industry construction and other segments that influence it. The company @grupotherrestra is one of the main construction companies in the country, dedicated mainly to the design, construction and supervision of tourist, residential and commercial projects, both in the Dominican Republic and in the Caribbean.

Its creative and logistical space is located on the 16th floor of the 2015 Corporate building, a flexible and collaborative area that concentrates the different areas that articulate the act of construction of its projects. Also here are the offices of its new division @therrestraurbana, whose purpose is the design and management of the different real estate projects carried out by the company, whether internal or external design with the collaboration of other architecture studios.

From this space, the different areas that concentrate a workforce of more than 300 employees are managed, generating more than 6,000 direct jobs in the region. It is an office that contributes to the strengthening of the construction and design industry, providing talent and creative ideas.

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